Ill give a breif as possible, someup of my younger life (elementary, middle, high school) then lead into my early 20's witch is now. In my blogs i will write about; my thoughts on family, society, life, travel, and a few funny pet pevs! ;) But mostly, I just need somewhere to vent, mostly about my family, alomost as if im talking to a therapist, cuz we all know thats why it helps to see a therapist....cuz you can get things off your chest and hopefully get some outside source feedback. So if you read my blogs plaese comment...thats why im doing this...I wanna know if I'm alone or not ....I want to see if im crazy or not.....I want to know other opinions , good or bad. Oh, and dont expect my grammer or spelling to be correct....I fucking hated school!
I was born in 88' year of the dragon (chinese), whitch is my favorite food btw!! Anyway, I was born in VA my Mom was married to my boilogical father for 3 years, in that time came ME! My Mother says she had me as a excuse not to work and be taken care of by our Grandma (my great gma), and she also said she had been depressed and thought having me would be a great thing! Little did she know having a child with a depressed alchoholic isnt a good idea....they divorced after not to long, she found out he had been cheating with a girl from his reteraunt, yet she wasnt heart broken, his gross achoholic bahaviors had distanced her from him anyway, she said he was boring, and controlling, and mean to my Grandma when he was drunk (we all lived together ) . So she moved on, and met my Dad now Ralph, hes a great Dad, he provided me with everything i needed as a child , love, care, safety. They were good for a few years, got married, moved to PA had my other 2 sister....But as we know all good things must end, they divorced, it was a horrible divorce....My Mom is very emotional, whitch can be good and bad, but she required more out of him then he could give to her. She was a messy house wife, he didnt clean much either, but wanted a clean house when he was done with work, thats fine, but things just started to spiral down hill. Their displeaseure was apparent, they grew very distant due to poor attitudes and such, but the icing on the cake was when my Dads phone accidentally butt called my Moms and she could only hear music in the backround and was wondering where he was. She called all around till she heard the same music playing on his phone as in the backround of the bar or club. She found it, it was a strip club.....You can imagine her surprise, she was devistated and very angry! She got dressed and went to the club she walked past every bouncer looked in all the private rooms and found was over. From then on we had no more fun Christmases, days at the pool, ect. Life became real, Mommy wasnt a rock, she could break, and she had broken. My Dad was kicked out and went to live with his parents. Things were tense, our family was sad and angry, it still is to this day, but has just gotten worse. Now my Mother has moved to FL with my youngest sister who is 15 now , we all plan on moving soon to be together, because despite all the missery we still love each other and some good times shine trough. My Dads business is failing, I think because he never wanted to do it in the first place (his dad gave it to him) they do retiremnet Dad wanted to be a sports caster or history teacher, obviously that didnt happen. Im a strong beleiver in "Do what you love and it wont be work" idea! Some people miss that train, and end up misserable. My other sister is 19 and has a boyfriend of 2 yrs now, i dont like him, hes lazy, fat, anti-social, weird, leach!!! He ruined her, she used to be my best friend! but ill get way into them later when i tell you the story about how things led up to the way they are now.
So I moved to PA with my Mom and new Dad, I start school in an area thats lets say, hoity-toity, stuck up, over acheiving, judgemental, fake, shit! I was a free spirit! That scared them ( them being, lebo, the school dist.) I thought out of the box , I was artistic, creative, funny, different! I also was not a team player, witch mt. Lebo DID NOT LIKE! They didnt just not like it just because I was unlike the others, or slightly defiante, or day dreamy.....they didnt olike that because my attitude twards everything academic or sports related was very poor, mostly because math, english, sports dont intrest me.....this ment i got bad grades..... witch brought down the average score for this blue ribbon school turn that means less funding for the district.....the school board couldnt have their pockets lined as much if their were students bringing their average for years they put me in special ed to help tutor me but still ....not intrested....although i met many cool people in sped ( special ed) seeing as our minds worked the same. We were against the system and did things our way and didnt see why we had to listen to this dork ass adult tell us what they think is good for its whats good for ur payrole.....they didnt really care about us they just wanted to look like they were improving the troubled childeren.....hahahaha! !!! Rude awakening from their dreamy little idea of what being a special needs teacher would be like!!! Anyway my outlook on this corrupt backstabbing fake society grew more clear as i aged.....middle school was hell, i gained a little weight so of course the " mean girls" who were acctually just skinny with wealthy parent who bought them the right cloths yet still clueless dumbasses, with no real style of their own, ya know, sheep....yeah they were mean asking me what size pants i wear ect....the teachers didnt make it much easier, i never did my homework cuz i would lie to my mom n say it was done. When really i had just had to wake up at fucking 7 go sit in a hard cold desk for 8 hours listening to " wahahahahahwawawa" teacher shit while being ridaculed by bitches for my cloths my lateness what i was eating for lunch......y the fuck when i get home to my safe place would i want to spend that time doing more drone pointless work? ??! I dont get homework, isnt 8 hours of brain drilling worthless, never gunna b used after this year info enough!!?? So as i aged more i blossomed into a badass sexy cool as fuck chick and basically took over the highschool. To be cont.
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